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Guitar & Bass Setups

I learnt the vast majority of my knowledge from the luthier/magician Garth when I worked at Rushworths Music House in Chester at the end of the 70’s and from the many techs with major brands I have been in contact with over the years. I setup instruments by feel rather than specifications and each one is bespoke to the individual, I keep records on all my clients and their preferences, how they like their guitar or bass to play so I can adjust the next one accordingly.
My mantra has always been ” I’M HAPPY WHEN YOU’RE HAPPY “
Prices from
Electric Guitar
£50 hardtail bridge/vintage tremolo
£60 locking tremolo
£50 Bass Guitar
£60 Acoustic Guitar
Please supply a set of your string of choice.
Electrical Work
£20 service (clean pots, switches and input jack)
£50 change pickups of same type (passive/active)
£20 fit a preloaded scratch plate
£60 + parts assemble preloaded scratchplate
£20 + parts add push/pull coil split per pickup
Custom wiring services available on request.
Services that require removal of scratch plate or pickups for access will require restringing the instrument with a fresh set of strings.